Nijo Castle: Ninja-Like Security and Amazing Art

Niji Castle, also known as Nijo-jo, is nestled in Central Kyoto, hidden from passing pedestrians by its surrounding battlements.

What can be glimpsed from the outside resembles a temple rather than the Western image of a castle.

Is It Worth Visiting?

While you probably won’t spend hours here, the art and experiences you get from exploring the inside of this castle make it worth the trip.

With the towering Himeji Castle only a train-ride away, many tourists overlook Nijo-jo. This is a mistake.

Nijo Castle - Bridge

As soon as you cross over the bridge, the mysterious carp dozing in the moat let you know that you’ve entered another world.

Nijo-jo, more than any other Japanese Castle, gives visitors a glimpse of what life was actually like living there.

What Can You See There?

A gate to one of the areas in Nijo Castle in Kyoto, Japan.

The elaborate divisions of rooms according to one’s rank speak clearly to conditions of Kyoto in the lifetime of the castle’s owner, Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Amazing art decorates the sliding doors and walls of each room, with gold leaf and intricate wooden carvings adorning areas in the castle. Admired for their beauty and craftsmanship today, these sent a different message in Ieyasu’s time.

The castle’s interior decorations demonstrated the power and authority of the Tokugawa Shogunate.

Some Pretty Cool Stuff

The equally elaborate safety measures indicate a lot about Ieyasu’s state of mind as first Tokugawa shogun. The castle was built from funds demanded from Japan’s feudal lords, perhaps another reason its builder felt uneasy.

Nijo Castle Sunset

The castle’s security measures include rooms for bodyguards to hide in, secret doors to allow them to reach the shogun quickly in an emergency, wings which only female attendants could enter and the castle’s famous nightingale floors.

These floors were specially crafted so that the boards squeak when stepped on, imitating the song of a nightingale and giving ample warning of any intruders.

Other Attractions to See at Nijo-Jo

There’s more to Nijo-jo than just the castle. The grounds contain the remains of a five-story tower as well as two gardens and the Honmaru Palace, a former imperial residence. You can view the gardens and the palace exterior, but the interior is only open to the public on special occasions.

Nijo Castle - Honmaru Palace

Tea-master Kobori Enshu designed Ninomaru’s palace garden, and it is well worth the visit. Kobori was as famous as a landscape architect as he was for his mastery in tea ceremony.

Nijo Castle - Ninomaru Palace

Special Events

The gardens are less crowded than the castle, except during sakura season when the nearly 400 cherry trees become an added attraction. If you’re too early for sakura, Nijo-castle also has a plum orchard that is just as beautiful.

Nijo Castle - Garden

During the spring, to accompany the sakura, Nijo-castle grounds may remain open after dark and parts of the castle are illuminated. This also happens in July as part of the city’s Tanabata festival celebrations.

At these times, Nijo-castle can be crowded, with standing room only to see Ninomaru’s exterior lit up with an elaborate light display. The light display is free to view, and festival stalls are set up in the palace grounds.

Opening Hours

  • 8:45am to 5:00pm (Admissions close at 4:00pm)

Ninomaru’s Hours

  • 9:00am to 4:00pm

It is closed from December 26th-January 4th for the New Year, and Tuesdays in January, July, August and December. If Tuesday is a national holiday, it is closed Wednesday instead.  For more information, go here.

Admission Fees

  • Adults: 600 yen
  • High school and junior high school students:  350 yen
  • Elementary school students:  200 yen

How to Get There

Nijo-Jo is only a 15-20 minute bus ride from Kyoto station taking the City Bus numbers 9, 50 or 101 and getting off at Nijo-jo-mae, a short walk from the castle. The bus takes around 20 mintues from Kyoto station, and costs 230 yen each way.

Alternatively, you can take the Karasuma subway line to Kokusai-kaikan, transfer at Karasuma Oike station to the Tozai line for Uzumasa-Tenjingawa, and get off at the next stop, Nijojo-mae, where you have a seven minute walk to the castle.

Nijo Castle - Walking Path

Insider’s Tip

Visitors to Nijo Castle are allowed to walk through part of the castle, so be prepared to remove your shoes and travel light.

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Louise first arrived in Japan in 2003 as a JET Programme participant, intending to stay for just one year. She had no idea she would end up spending eleven years exploring the country that has become her second home. Although able to navigate the big metropolises of Tokyo and Osaka with ease, Louise's real love is rural life, spending six years in beautiful Shimane prefecture. Now back in her native New Zealand, Louise is exploring her passion for writing.

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