A man and woman are seen on a deck in the distance, with a body of water and ship in the background, and a blurred tree in the foreground.

JET-setting into the Deep Countryside of Japan: My Experience

When I taught English abroad in the inaka (countryside) of Japan, I lived in a very small, very old mountain village. From afar, it was beautiful. Rice fields surrounded the mountain, lush greenery was everywhere, and in the summer, tall cumulus clouds floated slowly across the sky. It was like a scene straight out of … Read more

A folded pair of grey pants with a black belt on top, a pair of black dress shoes, three folded button up shirts, a pair of glasses, a smartphone, a wallet, a longer pocket wallet, a electronic tablet and cash on a white surface.

JET Program Packing Guide

Things to Bring on JET Getting ready to move to Japan with the JET Program is both exciting and scary. Packing up your life to live in another country is a big step. Many of you have never been to the area you have been placed, so you don’t know what to expect. Some of … Read more