A young, Asian businesswoman at her desk pinching the bridge of her nose while looking very tired.

Death By Overwork: All About Karoshi

Simply put, 過労死 (karoshi) is a “Japanese term for sudden death caused by overwork,” according to the Oxford dictionary. Karoshi: Societal and Cultural Background The term karoshi was first recognized by the Health Ministry in 1987, and its use has been increasing since then. Culturally, Japanese people tend to put work above all other aspects … Read more

Four women and two men dressed in business attire clenching their fists as if doing a fightint pose. They are standing in front of a desk with laptops on top of it.

Japan Workplace Culture: Communicating with Your Japanese Co-Workers

Communication is the backbone of any office environment. This is no different in Japan. Language is important for communicating, but it’s more than just saying the right words. It’s usually much more nuanced. Your delivery of a statement can impact its meaning. Your body language can also affect how your words are interpreted. These subtle … Read more