A young Asian boy crouching down and picking up books for a young girl, also crouching down and smiling at the boy. Both are wearing a school uniform (white dress shirt with a blue tie and grey skirt/pants).

How to Say “Are You Okay?” in Japanese

The simplest way to ask “are you okay?” in Japanese is 大丈夫ですか? (daijōbu desu ka?) Although you can use this phrase in most cases, there are a few other ways to ask if someone is okay. This article will look at different ways to say “are you okay?” in Japanese.  How to Say “Are You … Read more

An Asian woman wearing a white tank-top sitting up in her bed with both her hands grabbing her hair, as if resenting getting up or is frustrated.

What Does Mendokusai Mean?

Although there is no literal translation to it, 面倒くさい (mendokusai) means something like “burdensome” or “troublesome.”  Mendokusai is often written in just hiragana: めんどくさい (mendokusai). You may have also heard of the shorter form of the word, 面倒  (mendō). *Note:  You may find that there are two versions of this word:  The version listed above, … Read more

A young, Asian businesswoman at her desk pinching the bridge of her nose while looking very tired.

Death By Overwork: All About Karoshi

Simply put, 過労死 (karoshi) is a “Japanese term for sudden death caused by overwork,” according to the Oxford dictionary. Karoshi: Societal and Cultural Background The term karoshi was first recognized by the Health Ministry in 1987, and its use has been increasing since then. Culturally, Japanese people tend to put work above all other aspects … Read more

A young, Asian woman with a blue, white, and orange stripped shirt with both pointer fingers pointing to herself.

How Do You Say “I” in Japanese?

The general way to refer to yourself in Japanese is by using the word 私 (watashi).  While this is the most common way to say “I” in Japanese, there are many more words to indicate I, my, or me. It depends on your personality, your gender identity, your age, and the context in which you’re … Read more