A panaoramic shot of the many buidlings in Nagasaki next to the shore.

Things to Do in Nagasaki: The Atomic Bomb and Beyond

Nagasaki has a rich cultural history, but it’s mostly known for one tragic event: the atomic bombing on the ninth of August in 1945. In a few seconds, around 40,000 people died and Nagasaki changed forever. Seventy-two years later, Nagasaki has rebuilt but not forgotten. The number of living survivors decreases each year. The Nagasaki … Read more

A lit-up stone path with trees around it at Mt Koya at night.

Koyasan: An Amazing Adventure

Koyasan: Monks, Monasteries, and Mausoleums Koyasan is the closest the modern tourist will come to experiencing the true Japan… or at least, the true Japan as it relates to Buddhism. Koyasan is the home of Shingon Buddhism. Founded by the monk Kukai, Shingon has shaped Japanese thought for well over a millennium. Although Koyasan means … Read more